Tears Of The Moon goa-2 Read online

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  "Oh, I've a thought in my head every once in a while."

  Still, he didn't give it much of another thought once the doors were open and the customers rolling in. He had time for a quick and entertaining spat with Darcy, giving him the pleasure of seeing her flounce out of his kitchen vowing never to speak to him again until he was six years in his grave.

  He doubted he'd have luck enough for that.

  He scooped up stew, fried fish and chips, built sandwiches thick with grilled ham and cheese. The constant hum of voices through the door was company enough. And for the first hour of lunch shift, Darcy kept her word, glaring silently as she swung in and out for orders, and giving new ones by staring at the wall.

  It amused him so much that when she came in to dump empties, he grabbed her and kissed her noisily on the mouth. "Speak to me, darling. You're breaking my heart."

  She shoved at him, slapped his hands, then gave up and laughed. "I'll speak to you right enough, you bone-head. Turn me loose."

  "Only after you promise not to brain me with something."

  "Aidan'll take the breakage out of my pay, and I'm saving for a new dress." She tossed back her cloud of silky black hair and sniffed at him.

  "Then I'm safe enough." He set her down and turned to flip over a hunk of sizzling whitefish.

  "We've a couple of German tourists who want to try your stew, with brown bread and slaw. They're staying at the B and B," she went on as Shawn got thick bowls. "Heading toward Kerry tomorrow, then into Clare, so they say. If it were me, and I had holiday in January, I'd be spending it in sunny Spain or some tropical island where you didn't need anything but a bikini and a coating of sun oil."

  She wandered the kitchen as she spoke, a woman with a stunning face, clear, creamy skin, and brilliant blue eyes. Her mouth was full, unapologetically sexual whether it was sulking or smiling. She'd painted it hot red that morning to keep herself cheerful on a chill and dreary day.

  She had a figure that left no doubt she was female, and her love affair with fashion had her outfit it in bold colors and soft fabrics.

  She had the Gallagher yen to travel, and the determination to do so in the style to which she longed to become accustomed. Lavish.

  Since today wasn't the day for that, she picked up the order and started out just as Brenna came in. "What have you been into this time, then?" Darcy demanded. "You've black all over your face."

  "Soot." Brenna sniffed and scrubbed the back of her hand over her nose. "Dad and I've been cleaning out a chimney, and a right mess it is. I got most of it off me."

  "If you think so, you didn't look in a mirror." Giving her friend a wide berth, Darcy went out.

  "She'd spend all her days looking in one if she had her choice," Shawn commented. "Are you wanting lunch, then?"

  "Dad and I will have some of that stew. Smells fine." She moved over, intending to ladle it up herself, but Shawn stepped between her and his precious stove.

  "I'd just as soon do that for you, as you didn't get off as much of that chimney as you might think."

  "All right. We'll have some tea as well. And, ah, I need a word with you later."

  He glanced over his shoulder. "What's wrong with now? We're both of us here."

  "I'd rather do it when you're not so busy. I'll come back after the lunch shift if that suits you."

  "You know where to find me, don't you?" He set the stew and the tea on a tray.

  "I do, yes." She took the tray from him and carried it out to the back booth where her father waited.

  "Here we are, Dad. Stew hot from the pot."

  "And smelling like heaven."

  Mick O'Toole was a bantam of a man, small and spare of build with a thick thatch of wiry hair the color of sand and lively eyes that drifted like the sea between green and blue.

  He had a laugh like a braying donkey, hands like a surgeon's, and a soft spot for romantic tales.

  He was the love of Brenna's life.

  "It's good to be warm and snug now, isn't it, Mary Brenna?"

  "That it is." She spooned up stew and blew on it carefully, though the scent of it made her want to risk a scalded tongue.

  "And now that we are, and about to have our bellies filled as well, why don't you tell me what's worrying your mind."

  He saw everything, Brenna thought. That was sometimes a comfort, and other times a bit of a nuisance. "It's not a worry so much. Do you know how you told us what happened when you were a young man and your grandmother died?"

  "I do, yes. I was right here in Gallagher's Pub. Of course, that was when Aidan's father manned the bar, before he and his wife took off for America. You weren't more than a wish in my heart and a smile in your mother's eye. There I was, back where young Shawn is right now, in the kitchen. I was fixing the sink in there, as it had a slow and steady leak that finally made Gallagher give me a whistle."

  He paused to sample the stew, dabbing his mouth with his napkin, as his wife was fierce on table manners and had trained him accordingly.

  "And as I was on the floor, I looked over and there was my grandma, wearing a flowered dress and a white apron. She smiled at me, but when I tried to speak to her, she shook her head. Then lifting a hand in a kind of farewell, she vanished. So I knew at that moment she'd passed over and that what I'd seen had been the spirit of her come to say good-bye. For I had been her favorite."

  "I don't mean to make you sad," Brenna murmured.

  "Well." Mick let out a breath. "She was a fine woman, and lived a good and long life. But it's left to us still living to miss those who aren't."

  Brenna remembered the rest of the story. How her father had left his work and run down to the little house where his grandmother, two years a widow, lived. And he found her in her kitchen, sitting at the table in her flowered dress and white apron. She'd died quiet and peaceful.

  "And sometimes," Brenna said carefully, "those who pass on miss others. This morning, in Faerie Hill Cottage, I saw Lady Gwen."

  Mick nodded, and shifted closer to listen as Brenna told him.

  "Poor lass," he said when she was finished. "It's a long time to wait for things to come 'round for you."

  "Some of us do a lot of waiting." Brenna glanced over as Shawn came out with a tray piled with food. "I want to speak to Shawn about this when the pub quiets down a bit. Darcy says there's an outlet up in her rooms that isn't working proper. I think I'll go see to that after we've had our meal here, then take some time to talk to Shawn. Unless there's something else you have for me to do today."

  "Today, tomorrow." Mick lifted his shoulders. "What we don't get to at one time, we'll get to another. I'll just take myself up to the cliff hotel and see if they've decided on which room they want renovated next." He winked at his daughter. "We could have ourselves a nice piece of work there for the whole of the winter. Where it's warm and it's dry."

  "And where you can sneak down and check on Mary Kate in the offices where she's fiddling with a computer all day."

  Mick grinned sheepishly. "I wouldn't call it checking so much. But I'm grateful she decided to take a job close to home since she's done with university. I expect she'll find work that suits her better in Dublin or Waterford City before much longer. My chicks are all flying the coop."

  "I'm still roosting. And you'll have Alice Mae for years yet."

  "Ah, but I miss the days when my five girls went tripping over me every time I turned around. Here's Maureen a married woman, and Patty going for a bride come spring. Don't know what I'll do, darling, when you hitch yourself to a man and leave me."

  "You're well stuck with me, Dad." She crossed her booted feet as she finished off her stew. "Men don't lose their heads or their hearts over women like me."

  "The right one will."

  It took all her effort not to let her gaze wander toward the kitchen. "I won't be holding my breath. Besides, we're partners, aren't we, now?" She looked up and grinned at him. "So man or no man, it's always O'Toole and O'Toole."

  Which, Brenna thoug
ht as she used Darcy's bathroom to wash away the rest of the soot, was just the way she wanted it. She had work that pleased her, and the freedom to come and go that no woman could manage with a man attached to her.

  She had her room at home as long as she wanted it.

  The companionship of family and friends. She'd leave the fussing with keeping a house and pleasing a husband to her sisters Maureen and Patty. Just as she'd leave office work and marking her time by a clock to Mary Kate.

  All she needed to get by were her tools and her lorry. And her wanting Shawn Gallagher brought her little but frustration and annoyance. She imagined that one day, eventually, it would pass.

  Knowing Darcy well, Brenna made certain she cleaned up every spot of dirt. She left the little white sink gleaming and used her own rags to dry her hands and face rather than the frilly fingertip towels Darcy had on the rod. Which, to Brenna's mind, were a complete waste of fabric, since no one who really needed to use them would dare.

  Life would be simpler if everyone bought black towels. Then no one would shriek and curse when their fluffy white ones ended up grubby.

  She spent a quiet few minutes replacing the broken outlet in the living area with the new box she'd brought along. She was just screwing on the cover when Darcy came in.

  "I was hoping you'd get to that. It was irritating." Darcy dumped her tip money in what she called her wish jar. "Oh, Aidan said to tell you that he and Jude want to have some work done in what will be the baby's room. I'm going over to see Jude now, if you want to come along and see what she has in mind."

  "I've something to do first, but you can tell her I'll come 'round in a bit."

  "Damn it, Brenna! You've left dirty boot prints all over the floor here."

  Brenna winced and hurried up with the screws. "Well,

  I'm sorry about that, Darcy, but I cleaned the sink."

  "Well, now you can clean the floor as well. I'm not scrubbing up behind you. Why the devil didn't you use the loo in the pub? It's Shawn's week to clean up there."

  "I didn't think of it. Stop bitching about it. I'll see to it before I go, and you're very welcome for the electrical work I've just done for you."

  "Thanks for that." Darcy came back out, pulling on a leather jacket she'd splurged on as a Christmas gift for herself. "I'll see you at Jude's, then."

  "I suppose," Brenna muttered, annoyed with the idea of washing the bathroom floor.

  She muttered her way through the chore too, then cursed viciously when she noted she'd left little clumps of dirt and dried mud across the living room as well. Rather than risk Darcy's wrath, she dragged out the vacuum and sucked it all up.

  As a result, the pub was quiet when she came back down, and Shawn was nearly finished with the washing up.

  "So, did Darcy hire you to clean her house as well?"

  "I tracked mud in." At home, she poured herself a cup of tea. "I didn't mean to be so long. I don't mean to keep you if you've something to do before you're needed here again."

  "I've nothing in particular. But I want a pint. You sticking with tea?" he asked with a nod of his head.

  "For the moment."

  "I'll just draw me one. There's a bit of pudding left if you want."

  She didn't really, but having a weakness for such things, she dug out a few spoonfuls for a bowl. She was sitting and settled when he came back in with a pint of Harp.

  "Tim Riley says the weather will be turning milder by tomorrow."

  "He always seems to know."

  "But we're in for wet before much longer," Shawn added and sat across from her. "So, what's on your mind, then?"

  "Well, I'll tell you." She'd tried out a dozen different ways in her mind, and settled on the one that seemed best. "After you'd gone off this morning, I stopped off in your parlor to check your flue."

  It was a lie, of course, and she was prepared to confess it to her priest. But she'd be damned if she'd tell him she'd been playing with his music. Her pride was worth the penance.

  "It's drawing well."

  "Aye." She agreed and added a shrug. "But such things bear checking now and then. In any case, when I turned 'round, there she was, right in the parlor doorway."

  "There who was?"

  "Lady Gwen."

  "You saw her?" Shawn set the pint down with a click of glass on wood.

  "As clear as I'm seeing you now. She was standing there, sort of smiling at me in a sad way, and-" She didn't want to tell him what had been said, but felt obliged. It was one thing to tell a little lie and another to deceive.

  "And what?"

  The rare show of impatience from him had Brenna bristling. "I'm getting to it. And then she spoke to me."

  "She spoke to you?" He pushed back from the table, paced around the kitchen, so uncharacteristically agitated that Brenna found herself gawking at him.

  "What's crawled up your arse here, Shawn?"

  "I'm the one who's living there, aren't I? Does she show herself to me? Speak to me? No, she doesn't. She waits until you come along to fix the oven and fiddle with the flue, then there she is."

  "Well, it's sorry I am to have been the one preferred by your ghost, but I didn't ask for it, did I?" Brenna heaped her spoon with pudding and filled her mouth with it.

  "All right, all right, don't get testy on me." Scowling, he dropped back into his chair. "What did she say to you?"

  Keeping her face bland, Brenna stared through him while she ate her pudding. When Shawn rolled his eyes at her, she picked up her tea and took a dainty sip. "I'm sorry, were you speaking to me? Or is there someone else about that you've decided to snap at through no fault of her own?"

  "I'm sorry." He flashed her a smile because it almost always worked. "Will you tell me what she said?"

  "I will, since you've decided to ask politely. She said to me, 'His heart's in his song.' I thought perhaps she meant the faerie prince, but when I was telling Ma of it, she said it meant you."

  "If she did, I don't know what she meant by it."

  "I don't know any more than you, but I was wondering if you wouldn't mind me coming by now and then."

  "You already do," he pointed out and made her squirm a little.

  "If you don't want me there, you've only to say so."

  "That's not what I said, or what I meant. I'm just saying you do come 'round."

  "I thought I could come 'round when you weren't there as well. Like today. Just to see if she'd come back.

  I could do a few chores for you while I was there."

  "You don't need to find work to come by. You're always welcome."

  It softened her, not only that he said it, but that he meant it. "I know, but I like keeping busy. So I'll slip in from time to time since you don't mind."

  "And you'll tell me if you see her again?"

  "You'll be the first." She rose to carry her bowl and mug to the sink. "Do you think-" She trailed off, shook her head.


  "No, it's nothing. Foolish."

  He came up behind her, gave her neck a quick squeeze with his clever fingers. She wanted to arch and purr like a cat, but knew better. "If you can't be foolish with a friend, who else is there?"

  "Well, I was wondering if love really lasts like that, through death and time."

  "It's the only thing that really lasts."

  "Have you ever been in love?"

  "Not so it took root, and if it doesn't, I suppose it's not love at all."

  She let out a sigh that surprised them both. "If it takes root in one and not the other, it has to be the worst thing in the world."

  He felt a quiver in his heart that he took for sympathy. "There, Brenna darling, have you gone and fallen in love on me?"

  She jerked, whirled, gaped at him. He was watching her with such-such bloody affection, such patience and sympathy, she could have beaten him black and blue. Instead, she just shoved clear of him and snatched up her toolbox. "Shawn Gallagher, you are truly a great idiot of a man."

  With her nose in
the air and her tools clanking, she stalked out.

  He only shook his head, then went back to his cleaning up. With that little quiver around his heart again, he wondered who it was that O'Toole had set her sights on.

  Whoever, Shawn thought, slamming a cupboard door just a little too forcefully, the man had better be worthy of her.


  Brenna wasn't in the best of moods when she clomped into the Gallagher house. She didn't knock-didn't think to. She'd been breezing in and out of the old house, just as Darcy breezed in and out of the O'Tooles', for as long as either could remember.

  The house had changed here and there over the years. Hadn't she and her father laid the new floor in the kitchen-as pretty a blue as a summer sky-not five winters back? And she herself had papered Darcy's room with that lovely pattern of baby rosebuds the June before last.

  But though there'd been a bit of fussing here and fussing there, the heart of the house remained the same. It was a welcoming place, and the walls seemed to ring with music even when no one was playing.

  Now that Aidan and Jude lived there, fresh flowers were always tucked into vases and bowls and bottles, as Jude had a fondness for them. And Brenna knew Jude had plans to do more planting in the spring and had talked of having Brenna build her an arbor.

  Something old-fashioned was needed, to Brenna's mind, to suit the look of the house with its old stone and sturdy wood and carelessly sprawling lines. She had something in her head she thought would suit, and would get to it by and by.

  Even as she entered the house with a scowl, the sound of Darcy's laugh tripping down the steps had her lips twitching. Females, she thought as she headed upstairs, were so much more comfortable than men.

  Most men, most of the time.

  She found them in what had been Shawn's room, though there was little left of him there save the bed and his old dresser. He'd taken the shelves that he'd had crammed with music with him to Faerie Hill, and his fiddle and bodhran drum as well.

  The rug was still there, a faded old maroon. She'd sat on it countless times, pretending to be bored while he'd played some tune.

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