The Search Read online

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  “Yeah, and was obviously frustrated with his new puppy-owner status, it might be difficult to judge. On surface observation, and setting aside his physical attributes—”

  “And he has them,” Sylvia said with a wicked wiggle of eyebrows.

  “No question. I’d say he’s not used to having responsibility for anyone other than himself, and more used to solo ventures. A lone wolf sort—which you’ve added to with this morning’s data: a private place on the sound of a very small island, his move away from family, his choice of career.”

  “Sometimes a lone wolf just hasn’t found a mate—or his pack.”

  “You’re forever a romantic.”

  “Guilty,” Sylvia agreed. “And proud of it.”

  “Well, on his side, the puppy’s crazy about him. Shows no fear. Right now, the dog is the alpha, which tells me the man has a soft center. It may be small—can’t know yet—but it’s there. That’s also illustrated by the fact that while he’s very frustrated and annoyed, he doesn’t seem inclined to get rid of the dog. And when given logical options, he accepts. He signed Jaws up for kindergarten, and while I wouldn’t say Simon appears to be happy or enthusiastic about it, he did seem determined. So while not especially used to taking responsibility for another, he will take it when he sees no way out.”

  “I swear, you should have gone into psychology. Or profiling.”

  “Everything I know, I learned from dogs.” Fiona rose to take her plate to the dishwasher, then turned to step behind Sylvia’s chair and wrap her arms around her stepmother’s neck. “Thanks for breakfast.”


  “Have another cup of tea. I’m going to set up for class.”

  “I’ll help you.”

  “Not in those boots. We’re a little soggy from yesterday’s rain. Change your very sexy ones for my Uggs before you come out. They’re in the mudroom.”

  “Fee,” Sylvia said before Fiona left the room.


  “It’s been nearly eight years now, for both of us.”

  “I know.”

  “It hit me this morning. Sometimes it does when it comes up on the anniversary of Will’s death. So I just wanted to get out of the house—and more, to see you. I want to tell you how glad I am you’re here, that I can come by and fix you breakfast, or borrow your Uggs. I’m so glad, Fee.”

  “Me too.”

  “He’d be so proud of you. He was proud of you, but—”

  “I know he was, and I like knowing he’d be proud and happy with what I’ve done. With what I’m doing.” She let out a breath. “Greg would, too. I think. So much of him’s faded, his voice, his scent, even his face. I never thought I’d have to pull out a photo to bring his face clearly into my head.”

  “Seven years is a long time. You were so young, sweetie. I know you loved him, but you were so young. You didn’t have much time together really.”

  “Almost two years, and he taught me so much. I have what I have now because of what Greg taught me, what he showed me, what he gave me. I did love him, Syl, but I can’t remember what it felt like anymore. I can’t bring back how he made me feel.”

  “We loved him, too, your dad and I. He was a good, good man.”

  “The best.”

  “Fee, maybe you can’t bring back what you felt for him because it’s time you let yourself feel for someone else.”

  “I don’t know. Sometimes . . . well, sometimes I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready for that.”

  “Feelings don’t always happen when we’re ready for them.”

  “Maybe not. Maybe I’ll get a surprise. But for now, I’ve got enough to keep me occupied. Don’t forget the Uggs.”

  AFTER HER ADVANCED CLASS, a group of six including Oreo, Fiona prepared for her special-skills group, novice level. Most of the students were off-islanders with hopes to earn certifications as Search and Rescue dogs. Some in this larger class would make it, some would not. But she knew every dog and owner would benefit from the additional and more specialized training.

  As students arrived, it was socialization time—for canines and humans. Not a waste of time, in her opinion, but a vital step. A dog who couldn’t be or wouldn’t be socialized would never make the cut. And the ten-minute “mixer” gave her the opportunity to judge how well the dogs and handlers were doing with their at-home training.

  She watched, her hands in the sagging pockets of an ancient hooded jacket. “Okay, let’s get started. We’ll run the basics first.”

  She ran them through heeling, on then off leash—with mixed results.

  “Snitch, Waldo,” she said, addressing the dogs rather than the owners.

  “We’re going to need to practice those off-leash skills a little more at home. We’re close, but you can do better. Let’s try recall. Handlers, step away. I want you to wait until your dog is distracted, then give the command. Let’s be firm. Don’t forget reward and positive reinforcement.”

  She deliberately distracted some of the young dogs herself. Petting, playing. Still, the percentage of success pleased her. That percentage faltered on drop on recall as most of the dogs wanted to play when called.

  She culled out the worst offenders, assigning the others to work on sitstay while she did a few one-on-ones.

  “There are good reasons you need your dog to stop instantly. There could be danger he doesn’t understand. In addition, that instant and complete response shows absolute trust. When you say Stop! or whatever word you choose for that command, your dog needs to obey without hesitation. Let’s work on this with close proximity. Walk with your dog heeling, off leash, then try your drop command. Callie, can I use Snitch to demonstrate?”

  It wasn’t the dog portion of the partnership that needed work, but the human, in Fiona’s opinion. Callie tended to be hesitant.

  In minutes, with a sure, firm tone, Fiona had the puppy heeling like a champ and dropping on command like a soldier.

  “I don’t know why he won’t do it for me.”

  “He knows he can mess with you, Callie. He doesn’t believe you mean it, that you’re in charge. You don’t have to yell or be angry, but you have to be firm. Your voice, your face, your body language. Convince him you mean business.”

  “I’ll try.”

  Slightly better, Fiona judged—but she figured it was residual behavior from her own round with Snitch. Unless Callie toughened up, the little golden would walk all over her, and back again.

  “Okay, short break for playtime.”

  It was the signal her own dogs waited for. They joined in the five minutes of chaos, the running, fetching, bounding after balls, rolling in wrestling groups.

  “I don’t mean to complain.”

  Fiona added on another layer of patience as Earl Gainer, retired cop and owner of a very clever young German shepherd, began all his complaints the same way.

  “What’s the problem, Earl?”

  “I understand one of your tenets is exploiting the play drive, but it just seems to me we spend an awful lot of time letting all these dogs fool around.”

  And time, she knew, meant money as well.

  “I know it might seem frivolous, but at this age, their attention span is very short. There’s a real danger of overtraining. If a dog gets frustrated, simply can’t keep up with all the new demands and expectations, he can give up, or revert or rebel. They need time to work off some of that puppy energy—and to continue their socialization with other dogs, other humans. We’re going to try a couple new things in the second thirty minutes today.”

  Earl brightened immediately. “Like what?”

  “Let’s give them another couple minutes. Kojak has a lot of potential. You know that. He’s smart, eager to please. If you stick with this another couple weeks, we’ll be into some scent training. Before we go there, we’re going to cement the bond, the socialization and the tractability.”

  Earl puffed out his cheeks. “I heard about
what you and your dog did yesterday, finding that boy. That’s what I want to do.”

  “I know, and with your training, your experience, you’ll be a great asset. Let’s help Kojak want to do the same. He’s on his way, I promise you.”

  “Everybody who knows says you’re one of the best in the state, maybe in the Northwest. That’s why we’re taking that ferry ride twice a week. Well, hell, he’s having fun anyway.”

  “And learning.” She gave Earl’s arm a pat.

  She called her own dogs, sent them to the porch where they sprawled to watch the show.

  “Heel your dogs,” Fiona called out, and waited for the line to form. “A Search and Rescue dog can and is called on to search in various terrains, rough ground, frozen ground, rock, woods, urban settings. And water. Today, we’re going to introduce water.”

  She gestured to a child’s wading pool she’d already filled, then picked up a rubber ball. “Each of you, in turn, will take your dog off leash, then toss this ball into the pool. I want you to command your dog to fetch. Don’t worry. I have towels. Earl, why don’t you and Kojak go first? Position about ten feet away.”

  Earl took the ball, got into position. He unleashed his dog, gave him a quick rub, showed him the ball. “Get it, Kojak!” he yelled as he tossed it.

  The dog took off like a bullet, made a leap—and a splash. He came up with the ball in his mouth and a shocked look on his face that clearly translated into, to Fiona’s mind, What the fuck!

  But he leaped out again, returned to Earl when his master snapped a finger.

  Show-off, Fiona thought, but with a grin, and one that widened as Kojak shook ferociously and soaked his proud and praising owner.

  “You see that?” With water dripping from his face, Earl looked over at Fiona. “He did it, first time out.”

  “He did great.”

  And so did you, she thought.

  Fiona routinely tried to schedule an hour between classes, knowing that a good chunk of that would be taken up by handlers who wanted to talk, ask for advice, get her input on the day’s session.

  With what she had left, she might be able to squeeze in a quick lunch, play with her own dogs, return any calls that came in during a session.

  Since she had forty minutes to herself when the last car bumped over her bridge, she tossed balls, played tug, before dashing inside to grab a couple handfuls of Cheez-Its, then snagged an apple so she didn’t feel guilty.

  She ate while she checked and answered voice and e-mail, made a few notes for the blog she updated two or three times a week.

  The blog, she knew, led people to her website—or vice versa. And that led some of them to her school.

  She left herself enough time to empty the pool and go over her lesson plan for the next group. Even as she started to set up, someone drove over her bridge.

  So much for quiet time, she thought, then frowned as, for the second time in two days, an unfamiliar vehicle rolled down her drive.

  She lifted her hand to shield her eyes from the sun and recognized Rosie and Devin Cauldwell. When the car made the slight turn, she caught a glimpse of Hugh in his car seat in the back.

  “Okay, boys, best behavior. Greet.”

  As the car parked, all three dogs lined up beside it and sat.

  Devin got out, dog-side. “Hey, Peck. Hey.” When Peck lifted his paw, Devin grinned, then bent over to shake. “Good to see you again.”

  “Newman,” Fiona said as Devin walked down the line, accepting paws. “And Bogart.”

  “Guess you’re a fan of classic movies.” He held out a hand to Fiona. “I hope it’s okay that we came by.”

  “Sure it is.” She turned toward Hugh, who had his hand in his mother’s and looked none the worse for wear in a red hoodie and jeans. “Hi, Hugh. Do you want to say hi to Peck and his pals?”

  “Doggies!” Hugh scrambled over to throw his arms around Peck. “Doggie found me. I got lost.”

  She introduced the boy to the other dogs, who were all treated to a hug.

  “I never even thanked you yesterday,” Rosie began.

  “You were a little preoccupied.”

  “I—Is that all right?” she asked when the dogs flopped down and Hugh began crawling over them, giggling, tugging on ears.

  “They’re in heaven. They love kids.”

  “We’ve talked about maybe getting a dog. We thought we’d wait another year or two, but now . . .” Rosie watched Hugh, and smiled. “Any recommendations on breeds for an active three-year-old?”

  “Obviously I’ve got a soft spot for Labs. They’re great with kids, with families, but they want a lot of interaction. And they need room.”

  “We have a yard, and a park not far from the house. The way I feel right now? If there’s another Peck out there, I want him. Sorry,” Rosie added when her eyes watered up. “I haven’t quite settled down yet. Ms. Bristow—”


  “Fiona.” Rosie reached over to clasp both Fiona’s hands. “There aren’t words. There just aren’t. There’s no payment, no gesture. There’s nothing we can do that comes close to what you did for us.”

  “Hugh’s playing with my dogs and laughing. That’s the payment. That’s why we do this.”

  Devin laid an arm over his wife’s shoulders. “We wrote a letter to the organization—the Search and Rescue organization—about your unit, and we’re mailing it today with a donation. It’s something.”

  “It’s a lot. It’s appreciated.”

  “When we get that puppy, we’ll sign up for your classes,” Rosie added.

  “I wouldn’t want anyone else to help us train him. Deputy Englewood told us you run an obedience school and train search dogs.”

  “And we’re probably holding you up. But before we go . . . Hugh, don’t you have something for Ms. Bristow and Peck? Actually, they said you had the three dogs,” Devin continued as Rosie walked Hugh back to the car. “So we got one for each of them.”

  Hugh came back with his arms loaded with three huge rawhide bones. He dumped them in front of the dogs.

  “Don’t want?” he said when the dogs simply sat.

  “They won’t take them until you tell them they can.” Fiona moved a bone in front of each dog.

  “Get the bone! Get the bone!” Hugh shouted.

  Fiona added hand signals so the dogs executed a happy leap, then a stylish bow that had Hugh giggling. “They said thank you very much.”

  “Hugh picked these out for you.” Rosie offered a bouquet of red tulips. “He thought they looked like lollipops.”

  “They really do, and they’re beautiful. Thank you.”

  “I drew a picture.” Hugh took the drawing from his mother. “I drew me and Peck and you.”

  “Wow.” Fiona admired the colorful squiggles, circles and lines. “It’s great.”

  “This is Peck. He’s a big dog. And this is Fee, and this is me. I got to ride on Fee’s back, and that’s Wubby. He got to ride, too. Mommy and me writed the names.”

  “It’s a terrific picture.”

  “You can put it on your frigedator.”

  “I will. Thanks, Hugh.” She hugged him, breathed in the scent of little boy—wild, innocent and free.

  After she waved them off, Fiona went inside to fix the drawing to the front of her fridge, to arrange the lollipop tulips in a bold blue vase.

  And was grateful to have a few minutes to compose herself before her first students arrived for the next class.


  Man’s best friend, my ass.

  After a furious chase followed by a pitched battle, Simon managed to pry the mallet out of the death grip of Jaws’s teeth.

  Holding the now slimed and mangled tool while the puppy bounced

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