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  “He means bark,” Hester said, relaxing a little.

  “No, I mean talk.” Mitch gave Taz a couple of friendly pats. “How’s it going, Taz?”

  In answer, the dog pushed his head hard against Mitch’s leg and began to groan and grumble. Eyes wide and sincere, he looked up at his master and howled and hooted until both boys were nearly rolling with laughter.

  “He does talk.” Radley stepped forward, palm up. “He really does.” Taz decided Radley didn’t look like an ear puller and nuzzled his long snout in the boy’s hand. “He likes me. Look, Mom.” It was love at first sight as Radley threw his arms around the dog’s neck. Automatically Hester started forward.

  “He’s as gentle as they come, I promise you.” Mitch put a hand on Hester’s arm. Even though the dog was already grumbling out his woes in Radley’s ear and allowing Josh to pet him, Hester wasn’t convinced.

  “I don’t imagine he’s used to children.”

  “He fools around with kids in the park all the time.” As if to prove it, Taz rolled over to expose his belly for stroking. “Added to that is the fact that he’s bone lazy. He wouldn’t work up the energy to bite anything that hadn’t been put in a bowl for him. You aren’t afraid of dogs, are you?”

  “No, of course not.” Not really, she added to herself. Because she hated to show a weakness, Hester crouched down to pet the huge head. Unknowingly she hit the perfect spot, and Taz recognized a patsy when he saw one. He shifted to lay a paw on her thigh and, with his dark, sad eyes on hers, began to moan. Laughing, Hester rubbed behind his ears. “You’re just a big baby, aren’t you?”

  “An operator’s more like it,” Mitch murmured, wondering what sort of trick he’d have to do to get Hester to touch him with such feeling.

  “I can play with him every day, can’t I, Mitch?”

  “Sure.” Mitch smiled down at Radley. “Taz loves attention. You guys want to take him for a walk?”

  The response was immediate and affirmative. Hester straightened up, looking doubtfully at Taz. “I don’t know, Rad.”

  “Please, Mom, we’ll be careful. You already said me and Josh could play in the park for a little while.”

  “Yes, I know, but Taz is awfully big. I wouldn’t want him to get away from you.”

  “Taz is a firm believer in conserving energy. Why run if strolling gets you to the same place?” Mitch went back into his office, rooted around and came up with Taz’s leash. “He doesn’t chase cars, other dogs or park police. He will, however, stop at every tree.”

  With a giggle, Radley took the leash. “Okay, Mom?”

  She hesitated, knowing there was a part of her that wanted to keep Radley with her, within arm’s reach. And, for his sake, it was something she had to fight. “A half hour.” The words were barely out when he and Josh let out a whoop. “You have to get your coats—and gloves.”

  “We will. Come on, Taz.”

  The dog gave a huge sigh before gathering himself up. Grumbling only a little, he stationed himself between the two boys as they headed out.

  “Why is it every time I see that kid I feel good?”

  “You’re very kind to him. Well, I should go upstairs and make sure they bundle up.”

  “I think they can handle it. Why don’t you sit down?” He took advantage of her brief hesitation by taking her arm. “Come over by the window. You can watch them go out.”

  She gave in because she knew how Radley hated to be hovered over. “Oh, I have my office number for you, and the name and number of his doctor and the school.” Mitch took the paper and stuck it in his pocket. “If there’s any trouble at all, call me. I can be home in ten minutes.”

  “Relax, Hester. We’ll get along fine.”

  “I want to thank you again. It’s the first time since he started school that Rad’s looked forward to a Monday.”

  “I’m looking forward to it myself.”

  She looked down, waiting to see the familiar blue cap and coat. “We haven’t discussed terms.”

  “What terms?”

  “How much you want for watching him. Mrs. Cohen—”

  “Good God, Hester, I don’t want you to pay me.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous. Of course I’ll pay you.”

  He put a hand on her shoulder until she’d turned to face him. “I don’t need the money; I don’t want the money. I made the offer because Rad’s a nice kid and I enjoy his company.”

  “That’s very kind of you, but—”

  His exasperated sigh cut her off. “Here come the buts again.”

  “I couldn’t possibly let you do it for nothing.”

  Mitch studied her face. He’d thought her tough at their first meeting, and tough she was—at least on the outside. “Can’t you accept a neighborly gesture?”

  Her lips curved a bit, but her eyes remained solemn. “I guess not.”

  “Five bucks a day.”

  This time the smile reached her eyes. “Thank you.”

  He caught the ends of her hair between his thumb and forefinger. “You drive a hard bargain, lady.”

  “So I’ve been told.” Cautiously she took a step away. “Here they come.” Radley hadn’t forgotten his gloves, she noted as she leaned closer to the window. Nor had he forgotten that he’d been taught to walk to the corner and cross at the light. “He’s in heaven, you know. Rad’s always wanted a dog.” She touched a hand to the window and continued to watch. “He doesn’t mention it because he knows we can’t keep one in the apartment when no one’s home all day. So he’s settled for the promise of a kitten.”

  Mitch put a hand on her shoulder again, but gently this time. “He doesn’t strike me as a deprived child, Hester. There’s nothing for you to feel guilty about.”

  She looked at him then, her eyes wide and just a little sad. Mitch discovered he was just as drawn to that as he had been to her laughter. Without planning to, without knowing he’d needed to, he lifted a hand to her cheek. The pale gray of her irises deepened. Her skin warmed. Hester backed away quickly.

  “I’d better go. I’m sure they’ll want hot chocolate when they get back in.”

  “They have to bring Taz back here first,” Mitch reminded her. “Take a break, Hester. Want some coffee?”

  “Well, I—”

  “Good. Sit down and I’ll get it.”

  Hester stood in the center of the room a moment, a bit amazed at how smoothly he ran things—his way. She was much too used to setting her own rules to accept anyone else’s. Still, she told herself it would be rude to leave, that her son would be back soon and that the least she could do after Mitch had been so good to the boy was bear his company for a little while.

  She would have been lying if she’d denied that he interested her. In a casual way, of course. There was something about the way he looked at her, so deep and penetrating, while at the same time he appeared to take most of life as a joke. Yet there was nothing funny about the way he touched her.

  Hester lifted fingertips to her cheek, where his had been. She would have to take care to avoid too much of that sort of contact. Perhaps, with effort, she could think of Mitch as a friend, as Radley did already. It might not sit well with her to be obliged to him, but she could swallow that. She’d swallowed worse.

  He was kind. She let out a little breath as she tried to relax. Experience had given her a very sensitive antenna. She could recognize the kind of man who tried to ingratiate himself with the child to get to the mother. If she was sure of anything, it was that Mitch genuinely liked Radley. That, if nothing else, was a point in his favor.

  But she wished he hadn’t touched her that way, looked at her that way, made her feel that way.

  “It’s hot. Probably lousy, but hot.” Mitch walked in with two mugs. “Don’t you want to sit down?”

  Hester smiled at him. “Where?”

  Mitch set the mugs down on a stack of papers, then pushed magazines from the sofa. “Here.”

  “You know . . .” She stepped over a stack of o
ld newspapers. “Radley’s very good at tidying. He’d be glad to help you.”

  “I function best in controlled confusion.”

  Hester joined him on the sofa. “I can see the confusion but not the controlled.”

  “It’s here, believe me. I didn’t ask if you wanted anything in the coffee, so I brought it black.”

  “Black’s fine. This table—it’s Queen Anne, isn’t it?”

  “Yeah.” Mitch set his bare feet on it, then crossed them at the ankles. “You’ve got a good eye.”

  “One would have to under the circumstances.” Because he laughed, she smiled as she took her first sip. “I’ve always loved antiques. I suppose it’s the endurance. Not many things last.”

  “Sure they do. I once had a cold that lasted six weeks.” He settled back as she laughed. “When you do that, you get a dimple at the corner of your mouth. Cute.”

  Hester was immediately self-conscious again. “You have a very natural way with children. Did you come from a large family?”

  “No. Only child.” He continued to study her, curious about her reaction to the most casual of compliments.

  “Really? I wouldn’t have guessed it.”

  “Don’t tell me you’re of the school who believes only a woman can relate to children?”

  “No, not really,” she hedged, because that had been her experience thus far. “It’s just that you’re particularly good with them. No children of your own?” The question came out quickly, amazing and embarrassing her.

  “No. I guess I’ve been too busy being a kid myself to think about raising any.”

  “That hardly makes you unusual,” she said coolly.

  He tilted his head as he studied her. “Tossing me in with Rad’s father, Hester?”

  Something flashed in her eyes. Mitch shook his head as he sipped again. “Damn, Hester, what did the bastard do to you?” She froze instantly. Mitch was quicker. Even as she started to rise, he put a restraining hand on her arm. “Okay, hands off that one until you’re ready. I apologize if I hit a sore spot, but I’m curious. I’ve spent a couple of evenings with Rad now, and he’s never mentioned his father.”

  “I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t ask him any questions.”

  “Fine.” Mitch was capable of being just as snotty. “I didn’t intend to grill the kid.”

  Hester was tempted to get up and excuse herself. That would be the easiest way. But the fact was that she was trusting her son to this man every afternoon. She supposed it would be best if he had some background.

  “Rad hasn’t seen his father in almost seven years.”

  “At all?” He couldn’t help his surprise. His own family had been undemonstrative and distant, but he never went more than a year without seeing his parents. “Must be rough on the kid.”

  “They were never close. I think Radley’s adjusted very well.”

  “Hold on. I wasn’t criticizing you.” He’d placed his hand over hers again, too firmly to be shaken off. “I know a happy, well-loved boy when I see one. You’d walk through fire for him. Maybe you don’t think it shows, but it does.”

  “There’s nothing that’s more important to me than Radley.” She wanted to relax again, but he was sitting too close, and his hand was still on hers. “I only told you this so that you wouldn’t ask him questions that might upset him.”

  “Does that sort of thing happen often?”

  “Sometimes.” His fingers were linked with hers now. She couldn’t quite figure out how he’d managed it. “A new friend, a new teacher. I really should go.”

  “How about you?” He touched her cheek gently and turned her face toward him. “How have you adjusted?”

  “Just fine. I have Rad and my work.”

  “And no relationships?”

  She wasn’t sure if it was embarrassment or anger, but the sensation was very strong. “That’s none of your business.”

  “If people only talked about what was their business, they wouldn’t get very far. You don’t strike me as a man-hater, Hester.”

  She lifted a brow. When pushed, she could play the game by someone else’s rules. And she could play it well. “I went through a period of time when I despised men on principle. Actually, it was a very rewarding time of my life. Then, gradually, I came to the opinion that some members of your species weren’t lower forms of life.”

  “Sounds promising.”

  She smiled again, because he made it easy. “The point is, I don’t blame all men for the faults of one.”

  “You’re just cautious.”

  “If you like.”

  “The one thing I’m sure I like is your eyes. No, don’t look away.” Patiently, he turned her face back to his. “They’re fabulous—take it from an artist’s standpoint.”

  She had to stop being so jumpy, Hester ordered herself. With an effort, she remained still. “Does that mean they’re going to appear in an upcoming issue?”

  “They just might.” He smiled, appreciating the thought and the fact that though tense, she was able to hold her own. “Poor old Zark deserves to meet someone who understands him. These eyes would.”

  “I’ll take that as a compliment.” And run. “The boys will be back in a minute.”

  “We’ve got some time yet. Hester, do you ever have fun?”

  “What a stupid question. Of course I do.”

  “Not as Rad’s mother, but as Hester.” He ran a hand through her hair, captivated.

  “I am Rad’s mother.” Though she managed to rise, he stood with her.

  “You’re also a woman. A gorgeous one.” He saw the look in her eyes and ran his thumb along her jawline. “Take my word for it. I’m an honest man. You’re one gorgeous bundle of nerves.”

  “That’s silly. I don’t have anything to be nervous about.” Other than the fact that he was touching her, and his voice was quiet, and the apartment was empty.

  “I’ll take the shaft out of my heart later,” he murmured. He bent to kiss her, then had to catch her when she nearly stumbled over the newspapers. “Take it easy. I’m not going to bite you. This time.”

  “I have to go.” She was as close to panic as she ever allowed herself to come. “I have a dozen things to do.”

  “In a minute.” He framed her face. She was trembling, he realized. It didn’t surprise him. What did was that he wasn’t steady himself. “What we have here, Mrs. Wallace, is called attraction, chemistry, lust. It doesn’t really matter what label you put on it.”

  “Maybe not to you.”

  “Then we’ll let you pick the label later.” He stroked his thumbs over her cheekbones, gently, soothingly. “I already told you I’m not a maniac. I’ll have to remember to get those references.”

  “Mitch, I told you I appreciate what you’re doing for Rad, but I wish you’d—”

  “Here and now doesn’t concern Rad. This is you and me, Hester. When was the last time you let yourself be alone with a man who wanted you?” He casually brushed his thumb over her lips. Her eyes went to smoke. “When was the last time you let anyone do this?”

  His mouth covered hers quickly, with a force that came as a shock. She hadn’t been prepared for violence. His hands had been so gentle, his voice so soothing. She hadn’t expected this edgy passion. But God, how she’d wanted it. With the same reckless need, she threw her arms around his neck and answered demand for demand.

  “Too long,” Mitch managed breathlessly when he tore his mouth from hers. “Thank God.” Before she could utter more than a moan, he took her mouth again.

  He hadn’t been sure what he’d find in her—ice, anger, fear. The unrestrained heat came as much of a shock to his system as to hers. Her wide, generous mouth was warm and willing, with all traces of shyness swallowed by passion. She gave more than he would have asked for, more than he’d been prepared to take.

  His head spun, a fascinating and novel sensation he couldn’t fully appreciate as he struggled to touch and taste. He dragged his hands through her hair, scatterin
g the two thin silver pins she’d used to pull it back from her face. He wanted it free and wild in his hands, just as he wanted her free and wild in his bed. His plans to go slowly, to test the waters, evaporated in an overwhelming desire to dive in headfirst. Thinking only of this, he slipped his hands under her sweater. The skin there was tender and warm. The silky little concoction she wore was cool and soft. He slid his hands around her waist and up to cup her breasts.

  She stiffened, then shuddered. She hadn’t known how much she’d wanted to be touched like this. Needed like this. His taste was so dark, so tempting. She’d forgotten what it was like to hunger for

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